My New Twitter Account: Almost 5k Followers in a Month and a Half


Great news from the Twitter platform, my web presence is growing. I has barely been over a month and a half, and I am already up to 4727 followers, and the number is growing daily.

I started contemplating doing a bit more YouTube videos, and I think my newfound Twitter popularity will definitely help with spreading the word.

I am also starting to look into different methods for earning passive income on the internet. I am checking out some basic info on affiliate marketing and passive income streams. Hopefully within the next few months my web reach will be large enough, and generate enough traffic to my blog to be able to test that theory out.

I am thinking of creating a page with links to different kinds of affiliate marketing programs, that way my readers will be able to take advantage of some of those offers, and set up their own passive income streams, and therefore get some sort of value from my website.

Check out my Twitter Page, and consider following me. YOU WILL GET VALUE.