Twitter is Shadow Banning Me !!

Twitter is shadow banning me !

I have been stuck on 24.7k followers for a three weeks now. Absolutely no movement in the numbers. Something is fishy…

If you look through my page for the last few days, any comments or actual tweets that I did, do not have ANY re-tweets at all. Just likes.

I Am Gaining a Following on Twitter

I know it has been a while since I wrote anything on my blog, I am sorry about that.

I have been really busy with work and the new house, and that does not leave me enough time in the day to do everything that I want.

But the good news is, I have been gathering quite a following on Twitter. I am now at almost 19,000 followers, and my account has only been active since September of 2019.

My pinned tweet is getting a lot of likes and retweets too.

My First Experience With a Lightsaber in FORTNITE (Video)

Fortnite is celebrating the release the the new Star Wars film by adding elements from the Star Wars Universe to the Fortnite Battle Royale. This is my second game in the new mode, and I am absolutely loving it. The lightsaber is amazing, and the Storm Trooper Blaster is very cool too.

Watch me and my squad get a Victory Royale like true Jedi.

( BitChute Video Coming Soon ) – I am planning to increase my reach beyond YouTube, so I signed up with BitChute, which is a video hosting service alternative to Google’s YouTube.

Set a New Traffic Record Yesterday

12-11-19 Record Traffic

Great news. Yesterday my blog set a new record for visitors and views. I had 87 unique visitors and 97 views overall. That is by far the most visits my website ever got in one day.

As you can see from the statistics graph, I have been averaging about 45 views per day in the last couple of weeks, but yesterday my traffic more then doubled.

I have noticed over the last couple of weeks, that the number of referrals from the search engines has been slowly growing. And now I am finally seeing the results of the organic search engine traffic.


The “Malcolm X Warned Us More Than 50 Years Ago” Meme

Malcolm X warned us more than 50 years ago. The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty, and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses, the press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.


Twitter Is Back (And So Is My Campaign to Bring Online Poker Back to Ohio)

My Twitter account has been unlocked. The Twitter Support guys were even nice enough to apologize, this time.

Its OK. I have no hard feelings.

I just wanted to use this post to remember the first big tweet of mine. This bad boy currently has 194 likes and 92 retweets, which is by far the greatest of all for my fresh account.

Twitter is great for spreading the word. So, am going to use this opportunity to do something useful, and promote my political campaign to bring poker (and specifically PokerStars) back to Ohio. I already started a page with all the lawmakers in Ohio and their Twitter addresses, and I am sending them letters regarding online poker in our state.

Keeping Track of Communication with Ohio Lawmakers

I started my letter writing campaign by sending my letter electronically through the official website.

At first I thought I would let Twitter “keep record” so to speak. But then I realized that Twitter is not very reliable, and I could get banned any time. (Because I have been) Or shadowbanned, or something else.

So I created a page called Ohio Lawmakers, and I will be using it to keep track of my communication with the Senators and the Representatives of Ohio.