The “Breaking Bad” Movie Trailer Just Hit the Web


I am super excited about this one. I love the original “Breaking Bad” series, and the “Better Call Saul” spin-off, so when I heard that the movie has already been filmed in total secrecy I was blown away.

And just a few days after this awesome news, we get the trailer. And the movie release date, which is less then a month from now, is set for October 11, 2019.

AND it is going straight to Netflix. So it will be available for streaming immediately. I will be keeping an eye on it and will let you know when it is available.

The New “Rambo” Trailer Just Dropped

Just saw the trailer for the new “Rambo: Last Blood” movie. Should be hitting the theaters sometime at the end of 2019. Not sure about the release date, but it is slotted for the 2019 release, so…

Very exciting. I really liked the last “Rambo”, and I didn’t even know they were making yet ANOTHER one.

Judging by the title, this will be the finale of the franchise. But who knows, Hollywood is unpredictable.

I am a huge Sylvester Stallone fan. And I really like him in this role.

Any other Sly fans out there ?

Top Gun: Maverick Trailer

Wow. I did not think they were ever going to make the sequel to Top Gun. I mean, seriously people, the original came out in 1986. That is over 30 years ago. And look at Tom, he hasn’t aged a bit. Well, maybe just a bit.

From what I gathered from the trailer, there will be a lot of “selfie” shots of Tom Cruise, and a lot of military industrial complex propaganda. But hey, we are due for a “regular” hero that kicks ass for America. The release date is scheduled for 2020, just in time for the election, so let’s see if we can make patriotism pay off in one way or another.