Happy Birthday, Sukhoi Construction Bureay


Today, one of Russia’s most renowned military and civil aircraft makers, the Sukhoi Construction Bureau, marks it’s 80th anniversary.

The company owes its name to its first leading engineer: Pavel Sukhoi, and traces its history all the way back to 1939, when Pavel’s team was tasked with launching the serial production of its very first machine: the Su-2 light bomber.

Over the next 80 years the company has produced a number of extremely successful aircraft both for the military and the civilian use. Currently Sukhoi Corporation is developing the only fifth generation fighter jet in the Russian Federation. The cutting edge Su-57 also known during development as PAK FA and T-50, has just entered serial production earlier in 2019. The launch followed the extensive testing of the dozen-or-so prototypes.



The original story can be found here.