Tim Pool: The Democratic Party Has Become A Parody Of Itself, Pushing INSANE Versions Of Past Policy

The Democratic Party Has Become A Parody Of Itself, Pushing INSANE Versions Of Past Policy. Looking at several policy positions of many top 2020 Democrats you might conclude they have gone “far left.”

While this is true of many of the democrats policies, embracing woke social justice ideology and socialist government programs, the real issue is that they are trying to “one up” each other.

In a desperate bid to stand out each democrat seems to be embracing a policy position a bit more intense than its previous plan. Talks about immigration become about decriminalizing border crossings. Talks about affordable healthcare become calls for abolishing private healthcare.

Its not that the move is far left but that democrats are trying to stand out in a field of weak candidates. Republicans on the other hand just keep doing what they have always done and in doing so seem rational.

If you were to make a parody sketchy of the democratic party it would look like the past few democrats debates. While Trump is certainly ripe for criticism as well he has taken to self deprecating humor in recent times seemingly aware of his image.